These floating forms were originally hand-sculpted by carrol, and are subtly punctuated by the iconic twirl from our logo.
Designer Focus - Lyndi Retief

Lyndi is the youngest member of our deginer team and only joined Carrol Boyes in 2018. Se studied a Product designer diploma at CPUT but always loved any form of art. She has a special appreciation for the human form as she grew up spending a lot of time with an artistic grandmother that was always busy painting or drawing someone. Lyndi has a love fornbeing hands on with anything she creates and prefers to be able to feel and really view the product in true form. Lyndi has worked o a variety of Carrol Boyes products and is currently developing her own range within the Carrol Boyes range.
"Carrol knew exactly what she wanted from the project. We shared this vision, and we were not willing to settle for anything less" - Lyndi